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Confined Space - Allegro Top Sellers
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Dräger Thermal Imaging Cameras - TIC
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Ergonomic Protection
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Ergonomic Protection by Allegro Safety
Eye Protection
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Eye Protection By PIP
Eye Protection By MSA
Fall Protection
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Part Number Index, Promotional Items, Affiliate Real Estate
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Manufacturer Name
4542121, X-am 5600 5 Gas-IR-EX, O2, CO2, H2S-LC (US)
4542261, X-am 2500 4 Gas-EX, O2, CO-LC, H2S-LC (US)
4542262, XAM 2500 EX/O2/CO/H2S-LC ALK
8317409, USB DIRA with USB cable
8318752, Cradle (X-am 2xxx)
8319131, Bump Test Station X-am 1/2/5x00 w/o cyl.
8319385, Case for Dräger X-am 1/2/5000 pump
8325800, X-am 8000 with Battery, Shoulder Strap, Internal Pump, Pump Adaptor, Inductive Charger and Power Supply
8328412, X-am 3500 Ex, O2
8328414, X-am 3500 Ex, O2, H2S LC
8328416, X-am 3500 Ex, O2, CO LC
8328418, X-am 3500 Ex, O2, CO LC, H2S LC
8328419, X-am 3500 Ex, O2, CO LC, H2S LC + PS
8328422, X-am 3500 Ex, O2, CO LC, NO2
8328424, X-am 3500 Ex, O2, H2S-LC, SO2
NA11349, X-am 2800, Ex, O2, CO, H2S, Battery US
NA11350, X-am 2800, Ex, O2, CO, H2S, Set US
VN00034, X-am 8000, Wing Tank
VN00114, X-am 5000 LEL O2 CO/H2S PH3
VN00115, X-am 5000 LEL O2 CO/H2S OV rechrg kit
VN00116, X-am 5000 LEL O2 CO/H2S HCN rechrg kit
VN00117, X-am 5000 LEL O2 CO-H2Comp H2 rech kit
VN00119, X-am 5000 LEL CO-H2Comp CO2 H2S rech kit
VN00122, X-am 5000 LELO2 CO-H2Comp H2S-LC rechkit
VN00123, X-am 5000 LEL CO-H2Comp CO2 O2 rech kit
VN00126, X-am 5600 IR CO2 rechargeable kit
VN00127, X-am 5600 IR CO2 O2 rechargeable kit
VN00129, X-am 5600 IREX/CO2 CO/H2S O2 NO2 rechkit
VN00130, X-am 5600 CO2 PH3 PH3-HC rechrg kit
VN00131, X-am 5600 PH3 PH3-HC rechrg kit
VN00132, X-am 5600 IR EX CO-LC/H2S-LC O2 rech kit
VN00133, X-am 5600 IR CO2/EX O2 CO-LC H2S LC rech
VN00134, X-am 8000 LEL, CO-LC/H2S-LC, O2, NH3
VN00135, X-am 8000 LEL, CO-LC/H2S-LC, O2, CL2
VN00136, X-am 8000 PID-HC, LEL, CO-LC, O2, H2S-LC
VN00137, X-am 8000 LEL, CO-H2Comp, O2
VN00138, X-am 8000 PID-HC, LEL, CO-LC/H2S-LC, O2
VN00139, X-am 8000 PID-HC, IREX, O2, CO-LC, H2S-LC
VN00140, X-am 8000 PIDHC, IRCO2EX, CO-H2Comp, O2, HCN
VN00141, X-am 8000 LEL, CO-H2Comp, H2-HC, O2/H2S-LC
VN00142, X-am 8000 PID-HC, LEL, CO-LC/H2S-LC, O2, HCN
VN00143, X-am 8000 PID-HC, LEL, CO-LC/O2, H2S-LC, CO2
VN00144, X-am 8000 IREX, H2-HC, O2, CO-H2Comp
VN00145, X-am 8000 PID-HC, LEL, O2, CO-LC, H2S-LC
VN00363, X-am 5600 with IR Sensor, Batt + Charger
VN00364, X-AM 8000, Cat EX 125pr, EC-02, CO, EC-H2
VN00368, X-am 8000 W/pump 6851882 CO2 IR – RFID
VN00401, X-am 8000 PID-HC, LEL, CO-LC/H2S-LC, HCN
VN00461, X-AM 8000 PID-HC, LEL, CO, H2S, O2, RFID
VN00483, X-am 8000, LEL, PID, CO, H2S, O2, RFID&CLIP
VN00721, X-am 5600 IR CO2/EX CO-LC H2S O2, SO2, NiM
VN00761, X-am 5000 CatEx, CO/H2S, O2, CL2 NiMHKit
VN00800, X-am 5800, CATEX, H2S/CO-LC, O2, NIMH
VN00801, X-am 5800, CATEX, H2S/CO-LC, HCN, O2 PR, NIMH
VN00802, X-am 5800, CatEX, H2S/CO-LC, SO2, O2, NIMH
VN00813, X-am 5600 IREX/CO2 CO/H2S O2 SO2 rechkit
VN00834, X-am 2800 Ex, O2, CO LC, H2S LC w/o BT
VN00846, X-am 8000 PID-HC, LEL, CO/H2S-LC, CL2, NH3
VN00847, X-am 5800, CATEX, O2/H2S-LC, CL2, CO, NIMH
VN00848, X-am 5800, PH3, NIMH
VN01217, X-AM 5800, CATEX, O2/H2S-LC, CO, O3, NIMH
VN01219, X-AM 5800, CATEX, O2/H2S-LC, CO, NH3, NIMH
$110.00 - $1,900.00
$1,900.01 - $3,500.00
$3,500.01 - $5,250.00
$5,250.01 - $7,000.00
$7,000.01 - $8,750.00
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Barricade Tapes
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Confined Space Blowers & Accessories, Manhole Products, Pumps, Tents, Umbrellas, By Allegro
Confined Space Entry Kits
Gas Detection Products
Dräger Multi-Gas Monitors
GFG Multi-Gas Monitors & Accessories
MSA Multi-Gas Detectors And Accessories
MSA XTIRPA Confined Space Products
Respiratory Protection Products
Confined Space - Allegro Top Sellers
Emergency Response
Ergonomic Protection
Eye Protection
Fall Protection
First Aid & Medical
Foot Protection
Hand Protection
Hazardous Storage
Head & Face Protection
Hearing Protection
Heat Stress Protection
Hi Viz Apparel
Industrial Markers
Instrumentation & Gas Detection
Protective Clothing
Respiratory Protection
Safety Cutters
Emergency Showers, Eyewash, Hydration
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Part Number Index
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Confined Space Equipment
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Dräger Multi-Gas Monitors
Dräger Multi-Gas Monitors
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Draeger 4542261, XAM 2500 EX/O2/CO LC/H2S LC NIMH & CHRG
Draeger 4542262, XAM 2500 EX/O2/CO/H2S-LC ALK
Draeger 8317409, USB DIRA with USB cable
Draeger 8318752, Cradle (X-am 2xxx)
Draeger 8319131, Bump Test Station X-am 1/2/5x00 w/o cyl.
Draeger 8319385, Case for Draeger X-am 1/2/5000 pump
Draeger VN00834, X-am 2800, Ex, O2, CO LC, H2S LC w/o BT
Draeger NA11350, X-am 2800, Ex, O2, CO, H2S, Set US
Draeger NA11349, X-am 2800, Ex, O2, CO, H2S, Battery US
Draeger 8328422, X-am 3500 Ex, O2, CO LC, NO2
Draeger 8328419, X-am 3500 Ex, O2, CO LC, H2S LC + PS
Draeger 8328424, X-am 3500 Ex, O2, H2S-LC, SO2
Draeger 8328418, X-am 3500 Ex, O2, CO LC, H2S LC
Draeger 8328416, X-am 3500 Ex, O2, CO LC
Draeger 8328414, X-am 3500 Ex, O2, H2S LC
Draeger 8328412, X-am 3500 Ex, O2
Draeger VN00119, X-am 5000 6812950 LEL,EC:6811950 CO H2-CP,6810889 CO2,6811525 H2S-LC,8318785 NiMH K
Draeger VN00122, X-am 5000 6812950 LEL,EC:6811950 CO H2-CP,6811525 H2S,6810881 O2,8318785 NiMH KIT
Draeger VN00114, X-am 5000 6812950 LEL,EC:6813280 CO/H2S 6810886 PH3,6810881 O2,8318785 NiMH Kit
Draeger VN00115, X-am 5000 6812950 LEL,EC:6813280 CO/H2S,6811530-OV,6810881-O2,8318785 NiMH Kit
Draeger VN00116, X-am 5000 6812950 LEL,EC:6813280 CO/H2S,6810887 HCN,6810881 O2,8318785 NiMH Kit
Draeger VN00761, X-am 5000 CatEx, CO/H2S, O2, CL2 NiMHKit
Draeger VN00117, X-am 5000 6812950 LEL,EC:6811950 CO H2-CP,6812370 H2,6810881 O2,8318785 NiMH Kit
Draeger VN00123, X-am 5000 6812950 LEL,EC:6811950 CO H2-CP,6810889 CO2,6810881 O2,8318785 NiMH Kit
Draeger 4542121, X-AM 5600 IR-EX/CO2/O2/H2S/CO,NIMH BATT
Draeger VN00721, X-am 5600 IR CO2/EX CO-LC H2S O2, SO2, NiM
Draeger VN00129, X-am 5600 w/ 6851880 DraegerSensor Dual IR Ex/CO2 - CH4 CO2, 6813280 Dual Carbon
Draeger VN00133, X-am 5600 w/ 6851880 DraegerSensor Dual IR Ex/CO2 - CH4 CO2, 6813210 Carbon Mon
Draeger VN00813, X-am 5600 IREX/CO2 CO/H2S O2 SO2 rechkit
Draeger VN00130, X-am 5600 w/ 6810889 Carbon Dioxide (CO2) XXS, 6810886 Phosphine (PH3) XXS, 6812
Draeger VN00132, X-am 5600 w/ 6851881 DraegerSensor IR Ex - CH4, 6813280 Dual Carbon Monoxide-LC/H
Draeger VN00127, X-am 5600 w/ 6851882 DraegerSensor IR CO2 - CO2, 6810881 Oxygen (O?) XXS, 831878
Draeger VN00131, X-am 5600 w/ 6810886 Phosphine (PH3) XXS, 6812020 Phosphine (PH3) HC XXS, 831878
Draeger VN00126, X-am 5600 w/ 6851882 DraegerSensor IR CO2 - CO2, 8318785 NiMH Battery and Charger
Draeger VN00363, X-am 5600 with IR Sensor, Batt + Charger
Draeger VN00847, X-am 5800, CATEX, O2/H2S-LC, CL2, CO, NIMH
Draeger VN01217, X-AM 5800, CATEX, O2/H2S-LC, CO, O3, NIMH
Draeger VN00801, X-am 5800, CATEX, H2S/CO-LC, HCN, O2 PR, NIMH
Draeger VN01219, X-AM 5800, CATEX, O2/H2S-LC, CO, NH3, NIMH
Draeger VN00802, X-am 5800, CatEX, H2S/CO-LC, SO2, O2, NIMH
Draeger VN00800, X-am 5800, CATEX, H2S/CO-LC, O2, NIMH
Draeger VN00848, X-am 5800, PH3, NIMH
Draeger VN00140, X-am 8000 w/Pump 6813475 PID HC, EC: 6851880 EX/CO2, 6811950 CO, 6810881 O2, 681088
Draeger VN00846, X-am 8000 PID-HC, LEL, CO/H2S-LC, CL2, NH3
Draeger VN00142, X-am 8000 w/Pump 6813475 PID HC, 6812950 LEL,EC:6813280 CO/H2S,6812211 O2,6810887 H
Draeger VN00143, X-am 8000 w/Pump 6813475 PID HC,6812950 LEL,EC:6813275 CO/-O2,6812213 H2S,6810889 C
Draeger VN00139, X-am 8000 w/Pump 6813475 PID HC,6851881 IR EX ES,6810881 O2,6811525 H2S,6813210 CO;
Draeger VN00401, X-am 8000 PID-HC, LEL, CO-LC/H2S-LC, HCN
Draeger VN00034, X-am 8000, Wing Tank
Draeger VN00138, X-am 8000 w/Pump 6813475 PID HC,6812950 LEL,EC:6813280 CO/H2S,6810881 O2;R56375-RFI