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IR22 & IR22 D Fixed Transmitters by GfG Instrumentation

IR22 D Transmitter - CO2 and flammable gases in view.

EC28 Gas Detection Transmitter - The smart transmitter.

The IR22 D Transmitter, with display, for flammable gases and carbon dioxide. If you need to monitor carbon dioxide or flammable gases outside of Ex zones, the IR22 D transmitter is a durable and economical solution. The IR22 and IR22 D transmits measured values and status displays via analog (0.2-1 mA or 4-20 mA) or digital (RS-485) signal, while also displaying them on site. In the event of an alarm, its internal buzzer will emit a loud acoustic warning signal. In combination with GfG's reliable controllers, the IR22 D can be installed in new gas detection systems or retrofitted into existing ones.