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KwikDraw D5019703, Detector Tube Trainer Tubes, By Uniphos

KwikDraw D5019703, Detector Tube Trainer Tubes, By Uniphos
    Catalog # KwikDraw-Uniphos-D5019703
    Our Price


    List Price $142.50


    KwikDraw D5019703, Detector Tube Trainer Tubes, By Uniphos Envirotronic

    KwikDraw Smoke Tubes

    Kit of tubes containing substances for training and test purposes for handling of detector tubes. [e.g. for simulation of unknown gas mixtures]

    KwikDraw Smoke Tubes can be used for respirator fit testing or to visualize air flows such as in ducting or fume hoods. The tubes are of the stannic chloride type recommended by OSHA for respirator fit testing.

    Global Part Number: D5019703

    HAZMAT Item: No

    New: NEW

    Shelf Life Months: 24

    Type: KwikDraw D5019703, Detector Tube Trainer Tubes, By Uniphos

    KwikDraw-Smoke-Tubes-by-Uniphos KwikDraw-Gas-Tubes-by-Part-Number